For over a decade, viewers have been immersed in the captivating world of moonshine-making through Discovery's Moonshiners, discovering that it is truly an art form. Originally born as a protest against liquor taxation in the late 1700s, this craft has been passed down from one generation to the next.
Throughout the show, we have had the pleasure of getting to know some incredible distillers, and among them is Craig Landry. Alongside his brother Richard, they have showcased some of the most intriguing recipes in the series. Regrettably, Craig will be taking a break from the distilling game for a while due to a recent hospitalization. What exactly happened to Craig Landry from Moonshiners? Here's what we have gathered so far.

Moonshiner Craig Landry
What happened to Craig Landry from 'Moonshiners'?

Craig Landry from Moonshiners
Craig Landry, a prominent figure on the Discovery Channel series Moonshiners and a participant on Moonshiners: Master Distiller, has been released from the hospital following a harrowing accident last month that resulted in severe facial injuries.
The reality star was involved in an incident on April 24, which necessitated an airlift to the University Medical Center in New Orleans, La., for treatment. His manager, Lauren Edge, shared on his GoFundMe page that he sustained "multiple broken bones to his face, jaw, hand, and broken teeth."
Concerning the extent of injuries to other parts of his body, such as his back, neck, and legs, the statement explained that it remains uncertain due to inflammation. Scheduled for surgery on April 28, 2023, his jaw will be wired as it has been completely shattered.
Richard Invents a CLEAR Bloody Mary Moonshine. Video by Discovery
According to Richard Landry, his brother Craig had the accident while riding an electric unicycle near his New Iberia residence. Richard informed TMZ that a group of women found Craig unconscious and immediately called for emergency services. Craig has no recollection of the incident except for waking up in the ambulance.
Richard has been keeping people updated on his brother's condition through his Facebook page since the accident occurred. In a video posted on April 27, he revealed that Craig had been transferred to New Orleans because their local hospital was not adequately equipped to handle the severity of Craig's injuries at that time.
"He broke his entire face, literally: forehead, eye sockets top and bottom, nose, cheeks, upper jaw, lower jaw, numerous teeth," Richard explained in the video. "He has significant swelling in his head, so we're not entirely sure about the full extent of the injuries."

Craig sustained "multiple broken bones to his face, jaw, hand, and broken teeth."
"He is still experiencing significant pain, but overall, he's holding up," Richard expressed. "His spirit is strong; he's already telling me what to do with moonshine again, so you can see Craig's resilience shining through. The prayers and well-wishes have truly made a difference."
Richard further mentioned, "Though he's not speaking just yet, when he can, I assure you he'll personally express his heartfelt gratitude to everyone who showed us love and support during this challenging time."

Richard and Craig Landry. Photo by Master Distiller Richard J. Landry