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Behind the Scenes of Fast N' Loud: 15 Revealing Moments You Didn't Know about!


Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Car enthusiasts now have an endless array of car TV shows to indulge in, thanks to cable, YouTube, and Motor Trend On Demand. Popular series like The Grand Tour, Overhaulin', and Pimp My Ride have achieved great success, cultivating a thriving market for car-focused reality television. Among the shows that draw audiences in for binge-watching is Discovery Channel's Fast N' Loud.

The show's fame is largely attributed to its host and creator, Richard Rawlings, and the skilled team known as the "Monkeys" at Gas Monkey Garage. Rawlings, a car flipping expert and savvy entrepreneur, has become a recognizable figure with his distinctive modern-greaser appearance. His silver pompadour, adorned with tattoos, and mischievous goatee make him an icon for car-addicted dads across middle America, serving as an aspiration for those captivated by the world of automobiles.

Fast N' Loud Richard Rawlings and Aaron Kaufman

1. The feud between Richard and Jesse James

The feud between Richard Rawlings and Jesse James

In the realm of business and entrepreneurship, competitiveness is a natural human trait. It can be the determining factor between achieving success and facing failure. Somewhere along their respective journeys, Jesse and Richard found themselves entangled in a bitter rivalry, resulting in a lingering animosity between them.

The friction between the two escalated when Richard expressed interest in venturing into the custom motorcycle industry. This mere mention of entering James' domain likely ignited intense feelings of resentment in the latter.

The origins of their feud can be traced back to around 2007 when Rawlings couldn't resist poking fun at James, making him the target of several jokes, including a playful remark about being in Texas. This seemingly harmless banter was not taken lightly by Jesse James, who developed a deep-seated dislike for Richard ever since. This animosity is also echoed by others who share a similar sentiment towards Rawlings, shedding light on why the tensions between the two have persisted.

2. Sudden departure - The Tom and Jordan Firin

Sudden Departure of Tom and Jordan Firin from Fast N'Loud

As celebrities with impressive car collections, fans often seek interaction with them. However, a seemingly inconspicuous incident led to the unexpected dismissal of two mechanics from the shop. Tom Smith and Jordan Butler found themselves in a situation where a fan with Cystic Fibrosis visited the shop to see the cool cars.

Their departure from Fast N' Loud, though unnoticed by many, didn't mark the end of their television appearances. The two decided to take matters into their own hands, opening their own shop and starring in their separate show, ensuring they remained in the spotlight.

The catalyst for their departure came when a disagreement arose between the duo and the manager regarding how to handle the interaction with the fan. Unfortunately, Tom and Jordan ended up on the losing side of the disagreement. As a result, their absence from the show left a void in the entertainment, leaving fans pondering whether to continue watching, even if Tom's antics were always entertaining.

3. Richard's complicated relationships

Richard Rawlings wife and girlfriend

Richard has had a tumultuous romantic history with women. Prior to his current marriage to Katerina Rawlings, he had been married once before, and then he married his ex-wife Suzanne Rawlings not just once, but twice. Yes, you read that correctly - Richard tied the knot with the same woman on two separate occasions. The first marriage ended in 2009 due to some unfortunate choices he made while on the road.

As Richard dedicated himself to building his brand and pursuing his passion for cool cars, it seems he also sought companionship along the way. However, his relationships have had their fair share of complexities.

Richard and Suzanne remarried in 2015, but unfortunately, their relationship took a messy turn, leading to a split in 2019. Despite their claims of remaining friends, the nature of their breakup makes it challenging to envision a completely amicable bond.

Presently, Richard is married to Katerina Rawlings, but given his history of multiple marriages and the ups and downs in his romantic life, it's uncertain how long this new marriage will endure.

Richard and Katerina Rawlings

Richard and his current wife Katerina Rawlings

4. Richard's challenges in closing the deal

Sometimes Richard Rawlings Can’t Close The Deal

Discovery Channel's hit show Fast N' Loud follows a straightforward plot: a cool guy buys a car, restores it, and sells it for a profit. However, for Richard Rawlings, the man behind Gas Monkey Garage, there's one elusive car that he has yet to acquire – the coveted Lamborghini Miura. This dream car has been on his radar for years, and he has made numerous attempts to make it his own.

The Lamborghini Miura, produced from 1966 to 1973, is hailed as the first rear mid-engine supercar. With a mere 764 units ever built, these cars are rare and highly valuable, owned primarily by the ultra-rich, including one individual residing in Florida.

Despite the Miura being located far away from the Gas Monkey Garage in Texas, Rawlings hasn't given up on his desire to purchase it. Every Christmas for the past four years, he has reached out to the owner, attempting to strike a deal, but each time, he's faced with a rejection. Nevertheless, Rawlings remains optimistic, believing that one day the owner will change his mind and agree to sell. In an interview with Entrepreneur magazine, he expressed his confidence, stating, "I think I'll end up with the car; I'm just gonna have to catch him on the right day."

The Lamborghini Miura

The Lamborghini Miura

Should Rawlings eventually acquire the Lamborghini Miura, the Gas Monkey Garage's touch is sure to be felt on this classic beauty. Fans eagerly anticipate witnessing the potential transformations and upgrades that could take place on this rare and iconic supercar.

5. Fast N' Loud: The vast team behind the scenes

Fast N’ Loud has an Extensive Team

Team Gas Monkey Garage

Fast N' Loud is no ordinary auto shop; it stands in stark contrast to the small, family-owned businesses commonly found around the corner. Gas Monkey Garage is merely the tip of the iceberg, housing a robust team of around 12 highly skilled professionals in the custom auto body field. Among their ranks are expert mechanics, fabricators, painters, and individuals proficient in handling the business aspects.

This diverse team of professionals enables them to meet tight deadlines efficiently, functioning like a well-coordinated machine, though occasional hiccups may occur. Moreover, their access to a seemingly endless supply of funds allows them to purchase top-notch parts for their projects. To keep the finances in check, Richard Rawlings' sister, Daphne Kaminski, diligently oversees the financial aspects. Having previously worked with Rawlings on a successful advertising firm called The Lincoln Press, Kaminski didn't initially foresee his television show plans' triumph, but Rawlings proved her wrong, and they succeeded together.

Gas Monkey Garage has grown into a significant business entity, and Richard Rawlings' entrepreneurial prowess has played a pivotal role in this expansion. From a shop of average size, he has now fostered a team of over 600 people, thanks to various successful business ventures over the last six years. Rawlings' influence extends far beyond merely being a custom car shop owner; he is a true branding kingpin.

6. The Studios didn’t want Richard

Richard Rawlings

When Richard Rawlings conceived the idea for a show centered around a garage of car-flipping enthusiasts, he had a clear and ambitious vision. Rather than viewing Fast N' Loud as a standalone venture, he saw it as a stepping stone to propel his other business ideas forward.

Rawlings was well aware that the show's success hinged on its ability to stand out from other car shows. He aimed to create a program that would resonate with a diverse audience, appealing not just to car fanatics but also to men, women, older individuals, and the younger crowd. His goal was to make it a family-friendly show, unlike many others at the time, which had limited appeal.

Despite his determination, the studios were initially hesitant to embrace Rawlings' unconventional approach. Undeterred, he spent eight years tirelessly pitching his concept. Finally, his persistence paid off when he convinced Craig Coffman, Discovery Channel's senior VP, to give the green light to the show. Coffman acknowledges that Rawlings' relentless pursuit might have played a part in the decision, describing him as "the most aggressive entrepreneur" he has ever encountered.

Richard Rawlings, the owner of Gas Monkey Garage, is a true business savant. Always brimming with new ideas for investment opportunities and products to sell, he knows how to masterfully market his brand. His entrepreneurial skills are evident in his decision to even display the Gas Monkey name on the roof of his building, effectively advertising to passing air traffic.

Rawlings' ingenuity and marketing prowess have undoubtedly propelled Fast N' Loud's success and have extended well beyond the television screen. His ventures continue to thrive, solidifying his reputation as a business mogul with an unyielding drive for success.

7. Richard always has cash in pocket

Richard Rawlings has a lot of jobs

The inspiration for Fast N' Loud originated from Richard Rawlings' fond memories of his early childhood. His father, Raymond Rawlings, was always engaged in various projects in their garage, ranging from old cars to motorcycles, and his friends would join in, enjoying drinks and working on these ventures together. When Richard was just 13 years old, one of his dad's friends imparted valuable advice, telling him that having cash on hand could lead to great deals on cars, with the potential to buy a $10,000 car for only $5,000. This advice left a lasting impression on Richard.

Even before he reached the legal driving age, the future owner of Gas Monkey Garage began buying and flipping cars. At the age of 14, he acquired a green 1974 Mercury Comet, which incidentally became his favorite color, a trait evident to those who watch the show. Throughout high school, he continued trading cars, eventually graduating with a 1978 Bandit Trans Am.

Richard's passion for flipping cars didn't fade away over time. Fast N' Loud, now in its 14th season, made its debut in 2012 and boasts over 100 episodes. The success of the show, coupled with the growth of Gas Monkey Garage, has propelled Richard Rawlings' net worth to an impressive $20 million. It's remarkable how a simple piece of advice from one car enthusiast to another laid the foundation for his journey into the automotive world and paved the way for his remarkable achievements.

8. Rawlings has had a lot of jobs

Richard Rawlings has a lot of money

Starting from scratch, Richard Rawlings has successfully established an auto show empire that transcends borders. Fast N' Loud, captivating audiences in more than 200 countries and available in 13 different languages, allows car enthusiasts from all corners of the globe to indulge in endless hours of engaging shop talk, car buying, and selling. Rawlings' journey to this triumph was marked by various job experiences until he discovered his true calling with Gas Monkey Garage.

Before the inception of the famed garage, Rawlings explored multiple career paths, including being a fireman, a police officer, and even a Miller Lite delivery truck driver. Additionally, he ventured into entrepreneurship by launching a business named "Promo Wipes," specializing in printing company logos on car wash dash towels. However, this venture did not endure beyond his high school days.

Undeterred, Rawlings capitalized on his experiences and found himself in a role selling printing and advertising services. His adept salesmanship and ability to establish strong connections with clients taught him the significance of creating a powerful business brand. This understanding of branding became instrumental in his journey. The Gas Monkey Garage logo, now a symbol widely recognized and revered among car enthusiasts worldwide, stands as a testament to his branding expertise.

Rawlings' relentless and dynamic approach to business consistently drives him to explore new opportunities. He frequently ventures into fresh endeavors, with discussions even underway about the possibility of launching a Gas Monkey Grill, inspired by the likes of George Foreman, as well as the prospect of establishing a car museum. His insatiable entrepreneurial spirit continues to lead him towards exciting ventures and expansions.

9. Lincoln Press was Richard's ticket to TV

Richard Rawlings has managed a printing and graphics business

In 1999, Richard Rawlings and a business associate secured a $100,000 investment to establish and manage a printing and graphics business. Initially, the business performed well, witnessing a steady increase in revenue. However, as it grew, conflicts began to arise between Rawlings and his partner, leading to a misalignment of their visions. Rawlings now advises entrepreneurs to consider avoiding partnerships if possible, suggesting that going solo may be a better option. In cases where a partnership is necessary, he recommends seeking a partner whose strengths complement one's weaknesses.

Over time, the conflicts escalated and started to take a toll on the business's overall performance. In response, Rawlings decided to buy out his initial partner in 2000. Subsequently, in 2001, he brought on a new partner, but unfortunately, that partnership also didn't work out, leading to his departure in 2003. As a result, the business began to experience a gradual decline. The challenges were further compounded by the economic impact of September 11th and the disagreement between the two partners, making it difficult for the company to sustain itself.

Finally, in 2005, Rawlings and his second partner parted ways, resulting in a challenging buyout process. During this period, Rawlings made significant sacrifices, working for an entire year without a paycheck to ensure the business's survival. In a stroke of creativity, he devised a plan to attract more customers by introducing a raffle system, allowing clients who purchased a specific dollar amount to enter and win a custom bike or car. This strategy proved successful, leading to the business's revival, with sales soaring from $400,000 to $2 million in just two years. Ultimately, Rawlings decided to sell the company, using the proceeds to launch Gas Monkey Garage.

10. The shop started small

Richard Rawlings

Fast N' Loud made its debut in 2012, but the roots of Gas Monkey Garage stretch back to the early 2000s. Initially, Gas Monkey Garage was established as the name for their custom car shop, but it quickly evolved into something much grander.

In 2004, Richard Rawlings teamed up with Aaron Kaufman, a skilled mechanic from Fort Worth, TX, to open Gas Monkey Garage in Dallas, TX. Their vision, as stated on the GMG website, was to transform it into a "badass hot rod shop." Despite its humble beginnings, the shop was brimming with passion, occupying a mere 1200 square feet and lacking basic amenities such as heat, air conditioning, and running water.

Within those walls, Rawlings and Kaufman began their automotive journey, crafting the iconic Chevy Fleetline among their early creations. To spread the Gas Monkey brand and engage with car enthusiasts, they embarked on a two-year adventure, traversing the country to attend car shows, swap meets, and races. They made their presence known wherever cars were celebrated, tirelessly promoting the GMG name.

After a considerable time of dedication, their efforts caught the attention they deserved. Discovery Channel recognized their potential, and the rest is now part of automotive history. With the recognition came growth, and Gas Monkey Garage upgraded from its small, outdated shop to a sprawling three-building compound, housing an impressive collection of unique and remarkable cars.

11. A Trans Am changed Richard's dating life

1978 Red Trans Am

We all have that one car that holds a special place in our hearts, whether it's our first car, a vehicle we spent years restoring, or a friend's car that we admired. For Richard Rawlings, that cherished car was a 1978 Red Trans Am he owned during high school. This beauty came equipped with a powerful 6.6-liter engine, a 4-speed transmission, and T-Tops. In an interview with Barrett Jackson, Rawlings revealed that this car played a pivotal role in "evolving his dating life."

While others may have been occupied with different activities, Rawlings found himself enamored with the movie "Smokey And The Bandit," and he couldn't resist watching it repeatedly. Burt Reynolds, the iconic car, and the undeniable cool factor had a profound impact on him, and he admits to having seen the movie "thousands of times."

Despite many years passing since his high school days, Rawlings couldn't forget about his beloved Trans Am. He spent several years fruitlessly searching for it, but luck was not on his side. However, a turning point came in 2017 when Dave Hall, a friend of Rawlings, stumbled upon the car for him. Together, they collaborated on a build and flip project centered around a Smokey And The Bandit-themed Trans Am. The car fetched an impressive $110,000, and nearly all of the proceeds went to charity, making the endeavor even more meaningful and fulfilling.

12. The pilot flip that stood the test of time

the Bonnie and Clyde-era car

To make a mark and ensure success, a TV show must captivate viewers from the outset, leaving them yearning for more. Fast N' Loud accomplished just that, garnering a dedicated audience that has continued to grow over its impressive 14-season run. The show's debut episode, "Model A Madness," set the stage for its triumph by featuring a piece of American history: a 1931 Model A, which the Gas Monkey Garage restored and flipped.

In the pilot, Aaron Kaufman and Richard Rawlings embarked on a daunting challenge, restoring the Bonnie and Clyde-era car in just nine days. The goal was to complete the antique automobile in time for a swap meet, a feat that would typically require a year to accomplish, even for a skilled shop with ample resources.

The quick turnaround on car restorations is one of the key elements contributing to the show's success. This fast pace keeps viewers engaged, making it a thrilling experience for both avid car enthusiasts and casual viewers alike. During Fast N' Loud's first season, Gas Monkey Garage impressively built 12 cars in a mere 24 weeks. However, this remarkable achievement did not come without sacrifice. The hardworking employees endured grueling 110-hour work weeks, often resorting to sleeping in the garage and showering under an outdoor hose. All their efforts paid off, as the Gas Monkey Garage brand skyrocketed to prominence.

13. Gas Monkey Garage's Spinoff

Misfit Garage is Gas Monkey Garage's Spinoff

In the world of entertainment, the trend of sequels, prequels, and spinoffs is unsurprising, and reality shows are no exception. Richard Rawlings, being a savvy businessman, has embraced this approach to expand his presence in the film and television industry. He not only produces and appears on Fast N' Loud but also has multiple other shows under his belt, such as Demolition Theatre, Garage Rehab, and Misfit Garage.

Misfit Garage was conceived as a show and a workshop, designed to be a rival to Gas Monkey Garage. The show's cast comprises some of Rawlings' former GMG mechanics, including Tom Smith, Jordan Butler, Thomas Weeks, and Scot McMillan. Their shop, called Fired Up garage, aimed to compete with Fast N' Loud, attracting more viewers and extending the reach of the Gas Monkey brand.

However, despite its ambitions, Misfit Garage did not achieve the same level of success. It premiered in 2014 and recently released a new season on May 2nd. Throughout its six seasons, the show experienced the departure of two of its founders, Scot McMillan and Jordan Butler, along with other garage employees, due to various disputes. This revolving door of staff seems to have impacted the show's fan base, leading fans to question if any of the original employees will return and if the show remains worth watching.

The internal feuds within the team may have become too overwhelming for the show to thrive. One former cast member, Jordan Butler, even expressed on Facebook that he has little desire to work on cars since leaving the show. These challenges may pose significant obstacles to the show's continued success.

14. Richard Rawlings stars in multiple commercials

Richard Rawlings stars in multiple commercials

The triumph of a car TV show opens the doors to lucrative affiliate marketing opportunities. Richard Rawlings' renowned brand not only serves as a platform for selling his own products but also attracts other companies seeking to capitalize on his fame to promote their offerings. You might have noticed Rawlings and his illustrious career on Fast N' Loud, but he doesn't stop there; he has made appearances in a multitude of commercials.

In 2014, following the successful launch of Fast N' Loud, Rawlings joined forces with Dodge for a series of advertisements. One of these commercials even graced the Superbowl audience. Additionally, Rawlings has been featured in Baywatch-themed commercials alongside David Hasselhoff, promoting Dodge during the summer season.

Moreover, Rawlings has been spotted in commercials dedicated to Discovery Channel. One such advertisement showcased the Discovery Channel Store, where viewers could purchase Fast N' Loud apparel. Another collaboration was with 1800 Tequila, featuring clips of various Discovery Channel stars, aptly named the "Men of Discovery."

Commercials serve as an excellent avenue for stars like Rawlings to earn additional income. Those that achieve national exposure and prolonged airtime can bring in substantial residual payments, amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars for the stars involved.

15. Richard's Most Successful Venture

Richard's thriving energy drink venture

The history of energy drinks dates back to 1929 when the first one was introduced in the UK, primarily intended for hospital use to boost energy and facilitate recovery. Fast forward to the present day, and you'll find gas station fridges and grocery store shelves brimming with an array of energy-boosting beverages. Brands like Monster, Redbull, and Rockstar dominate the energy drink market, but Richard Rawlings confidently claims his own creation as a top contender.

Rawlings proudly considers his energy drink, aptly named Gas Monkey Energy, as one of the most triumphant ventures under the Gas Monkey Garage brand. Launched in 2016, the drink quickly gained popularity. Such was its success that Rawlings secured a contract with the US Government to distribute Gas Monkey Energy on every military base worldwide.

Embracing his entrepreneurial spirit, Rawlings embarked on a tour to personally connect with soldiers and promote the energy drink. One of the most memorable experiences during this promotional journey was visiting a military base in South Korea during Thanksgiving. Accompanied by a group of Monkeys and his wife, Rawlings spent the holiday expressing gratitude to the troops while introducing them to their new energy beverage. The combination of a thoughtful marketing strategy, patriotism, and promotions contributed to the success of Gas Monkey Energy on a global scale.



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